[ Serverless Platform ]

Deploy on the Edge

Scale Without Limits

Deploy modern and fast websites, on a complete serverless platform. No need to worry about hosting or services, we take care of everything and let you focus on your business. Your needs can change and our platform is ready to adapt to them. We offer a complete set of tools to help you build, deploy and scale your next project.

360° Platform

MooCloud's platform is designed to help you build, deploy and scale your websites and apps. We offer a full set of tools and APIs to help you build your next project, from git to production, from image processing to AI. We offer you a complete serverless platform tailored to your needs.


Our servers act like one system. They allow your apps to scale, replicate and grow to sustain your needs.

No Cold Start

We keep at least a single instance of your app running, so your users will never experience a cold start. Your app will always be ready to serve.


Our platform will scale your app, and create replicas on demand. We are ready to scale with you from one user to millions of users.


We take security seriously, we offer SSL, DDoS protection, and container isolation. Your app will be safe and secure.


We offer redundancy. Your app will be served from multiple servers and you can choose to serve your app from multiple regions.

CDN and Edge Cache

We offer CDN solutions. Your static files will be served from the edge and made fast with smart caches for your dynamic pages.

Edge Rendering

We offer edge server rendering, your app will be rendered on the edge, and served to your users with the lowest latency.

Image Optimizer

Your images will be optimized on the fly and served to your users in the right format with support for WebP and AVIF.

Managed Postgres

Your databases will be managed by us and it will scale with your needs, with replicas and backups if needed.

Managed Redis

We offer managed Redis instances that are integrated as cache and session storage for your app, with replicas and backups if needed.

Backup and Snapshot

We offer backups and snapshots for your app, so your data will be safe and secure. We offer a complete set of tools to help you manage your data.

Distributed Storage

We offer distributed storage, so your files will be stored and served from multiple servers and can be accessed as block storage from your app or CMS.

Transactional Mail

Your app can send and receive emails with no external tools, all integrated in our platform.

GEO Routing

Your data will be served from the closest server to your user, to minimize latency and enhance user experience.

Nuxt & Directus

JAMflow offers first class support for Nuxt and Directus, that comes with full integration to all our services, including cache and edge rendering.

Frequently Asked Question

A serverless platform is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider allocates machine resources on a dynamic basis. It allows to scale and replicate your app without the need to manage the infrastructure.

JAMflow framework is a set of tools to help you build your app, integrating CMS, Assets Managment, and API. JAMflow platform is a complete serverless platform to deploy and scale your app.

Serverless is a new way to deploy an app/project without thinking of the infrastructure, because it aggregates multiple nodes and the app is hosted in the cluster. Traditional hosting is a way to deploy a website on a server, and you need to manage the infrastructure.

For more information, check out our docs.

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